Disclosure Books

Moving from the Grove?

You or your real estate agent are required by our covenants to provide A NEW copy of the Grove Disclosure Books that includes up-to-date information as required by an HOA to provide to a buyer.

Disclosure packages – cost $317.95 includes the electronic disclosure book and property resale inspection. The Disclosure book is ordered through Homewise at www.homewisedocs.com. Homeowners/real estate agents may contact our office at 804.404.8012 if they have any questions. They are electronic files only. Post closing fee is $70.66. Rush fee is $50.00 (5 days).

PLEASE NOTE: If you have a property in Krim Point, Scotter Hills or Ridgemoor; an additional disclosure book is required.  Contact those HOA or management companies for their required disclosure books.

Please know that a request for a disclosure book generates a resale inspection of the property. So someone will visit the exterior of your property after the book is requested.

According to the Code of Virginia § 55-511, a disclosure packet is required to be given to new buyers when they purchase in the Grove. The GHOA is required to provide it to you within 14 days of written of your request and your payment. A buyer then has the right to cancel the contract within 3 days of receipt of the packet. According to § 55-512, it is important to get the current version of this packet from the GHOA to the seller. In other words, you cannot give them the packet you received when you bought the house as the information (i.e. budget, officers, etc.) would not be up-to-date as required by that code. You can view more of these laws by visiting https://law.justia.com/codes/virginia/2006/toc5500000/55-511.html